Renovating Salon Ceiling

Here’s another salon renovation post! This old building had “plastic like” ceiling tiles with installation stuck to the back of them rendering them hideous yet functional. I love the look of those fancy tin ceiling tiles but the cost can quickly add up. Instead I used textured wallpaper that I got from Lowes and painted them with metallic paint. This can be applied to any flat ceiling or ceiling tile in your manicure room or salon. I then stuck the new ceiling tiles under the old ones so that the insulation was still being utilized.

I also used the same paintable textured wallpaper around that ugly eye sore where the aircondining unit stuck in the middle of the wall. I painted this the same color as the wall in order to make it more elegant while not drawing too much attention to it.

The process overall was easier than expected! I get compliments all the time on the ceiling and constant questions of how it was done. It makes for great conversation and leaves clients impressed. Obviously, you could also use wallpaper for an accent wall in your salon or nail room. Don’t be scared! Wallpaper is making a comeback 🙂

spa bath ceilingIMG_2624

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